We agreed when we started going to blinkymadison's 4th of July party we would switch off years between Rockport and their house. This is technically a Blinky year, but last year, we split up so I didn't go to Rockport....which leads us to this:
Where should hoppie and I go on the 4th of July?
Rockport for the fireman's parade and bonfire. Heather is so cute and you didn't go last year.
Blinky and Mrs. Blinky's because it's always wicked fun and hoppie didn't go last year.
Divide and conquer. Then hoppie gets his Tshirt and I get to play with my coworkers.
Skip them both and sleep on the new bed. MMMM, new bed.
Suggestions are accepted, but I don't think we're planning on leaving town (meaning more than 1 hour's drive), no matter what the inducement.