Andy and Meredith gave me a refrigerator. When Paul helps me drag it into work later, I'll post the pictures from the weekend. At least we got to stay in this Friday. Rocker was boycotting outside because his father had more of his stoner whore friends over, and they like to paw through (and take) Rocker's stuff, which for some reason Rocker finds irritating, so he was presiding, dragon-like, over his hoard. We couldn't have gone out anyway. I needed to bake Derby Pie (for legal reasons, called Maker's Mark Chocolate Pecan Pie, but we all know what that means, Derby Pie, yum!) for brunch on Sunday. I made my first ever non-alcoholic Derby Pie (which I suppose for technical accuracy we can call Chocolate Pecan pie.) I didn't try any, but reviews state that the pie was edible.
We saw Hoppie's parents for the first time this month. They're going away on hoppie's dad birthday trip this week, so that's exciting for them. They gave us tomatoes, summer squash, green beans, and green peppers, so that's exciting for us. I'm going to make gazpacho. Because I can. And you can't stop me, muhhahahhahhahahhahahahhhahahaha. I'm going to hit a farm stand either tonight or Wed for the rest of the ingredients. The tomatoes need a bit more ripening.
Solies wants me to post a poll, but he didn't give a topic.
Thoughts on gazpacho
I'm a bit frightened by the idea of turning you lose with gazpacho soup as a topic, but there it is.
Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
So how does your garden grow?
Do you think I'm getting enough sleep?
Do you think I'm getting enough sleep? Why or Why not?
Well, fine, then, be that way, are you getting enough sleep?
Getting enough sleep?
What do you use M&Ms for? (Solies finally came across with a poll question)
What do you use M&M fors that I haven't thought of but might be able to use to my advantage?
And last question, what do think I should poll about next time, should there be a next time...
Solies: I just posted, but tomorrow I'm posting a special solies just for you.
Me: Yea!
Solies: Of course I won't be in tomorrow so I probably won't post it.
Me: ... (pathetic look)
Solies: ...
Me: (redoubles patheticness of look and starts to whine)
Solies: Oh....
Me: (cries)
Solies: Oh fine. Remind me and I'll mail it home to post tomorrow.
Me: Yea!
Solies: Just don't do the fluttering eyelids thing again. That's scary.