Went to
And in an odd coincidence, ,Marilyn Manson got married this weekend. I say odd and coincidence because he just came up in conversation, and that happens very rarely.
[Happy anniversary, Marilyn, assuming your still married, lo these many years later!]
Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five of My Weird Habits" and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly.
five people who you want to tag.
NEW RULES: You can't repeat anything that someone else has already said. ITS QUIRKY not COMMON.
1. I always sleep on the side of the bed furthest from the door. I feel like it gives me more time in case I'm being attacked, but intellectually, it's stupid because if I were being attacked, I'm farther away from the door and therefore it would be harder for me to get away. But that's what makes it quirky, right?
2. I don't know if this is quirky habit, but I always brush my teeth before I shower. This started because in my old apartment, where the hot water heater sorta sucked and we lived on the third floor, I had to turn the water and let it run for awhile before I could get hot water. Since I didn't have anything else to do with the time, I would brush my teeth. Prior to that, I brushed my teeth after bathing/showering. I doubt it's truly quirky because we all have to brush sometime, but the reason why is quirky enough, isn't it?
3. I have a candy bowl for company. I get this habit from my grandmother. That doesn't make it common.
4. I always turn my head away when someone is typing their password. I wasn't even aware that I was doing it until a couple of people pointed out it. ("You don't have to turn away. I don't care if you know the password." "Huh? I don't do that." "Oh, yeah, you do. And every time." "Hrm." And they're right. I do. Really. Everytime. Only now, I notice after I do it, and laugh.)
5. This is just soppy. The last thing my husband and I say to each other when we go to bed is "Goodnight, Love." and we give each other a kiss. If we talk afterwards, we have to repeat it. If after the kiss, one of us says, "Goodnight, Love" again, we kiss each other again, so the kiss is the last thing. It started on a whim one night and we've been doing ever since. Crazy kids.