I found this mini-golf pictures this weekend while I was cleaning.
I'm cleaning and sorting things and I come across the Ritz camera box. Hrm. Pictures I think. Wonder what they are. So I open the box.
The top photo is Tober mini-golfing. I can feel my blood chilling in my veins. It was like just for a moment my whole body seized up and all thought stopped. When my brain kickstarted again, all it could mange to push through was: I. Didn't. Know. I. Had. Pictures. [of this]
And after reviewing them, I can see why. It's also pretty obvious why lil'girl made the jump to digital so fast. I'm a dreadful picture taker. This is the one of Greg that didn't turn out sucky.
There rest of the pictures are here: http://www.yesowitch.org/DigitalPhotography/gem. Not much luck blaming the bad pics on hoppie. He's in some of them and I'm in none of them, so there you are.
I have some thoughts to think outloud, but no time in which to type them out. But in case I forget, Happy Opening Day. Go look at some Jim Borgman baseball cartoons.