awesome ultimate expert hen (mdyesowitch) wrote,
awesome ultimate expert hen

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It was the fault of the mailer, to begin with. I was just checking out some email from a band I like and they had a bundle that was listed as 24.99, a very cheap price for the quantity of stuff you'd get with the package. I clicked the link, thinking, I can buy this without even wasting a second thought. It's such a good deal. When I got to the website, I noticed it in the UK and the price wasn't 24.99 dollars, it's pounds sterling. Gack. What was once a very modest price is now significantly less so. Not to mention shipping.
It's not an outrageous price for what you get, but it's not a great bargain either. And if there was no shipping issue, it might still be worth doing, but I've found shipping to and from GB is icky.
Tags: music, shopping

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