In fact, Opie and Anthony has so changed the way I listen to radio, that I can't listen to the usual style morning shows because the fake laughs over things that aren't funny and the stale jokes are just too much. O&A&J go pretty natural from an improv perspective and aren't afraid to acknowledge that the joke has failed or they've driven it into the ground. For some reason that appeals to me.
In any case, I have to consider a return to music in the morning or an O&A option like XM or apparently audible. I'm considering my options.
(And you might wonder, since they've been gone since before Thanksgiving why I'm only just now whining. O&A tend to vanish on vacations without a trace. I gave them the rest of Thanksgiving week and one more beyond to show up again. Sunday, I complained to Hoppie that I becoming concerned because it seemed like a rather long vacation for the show and then I heard the ad on BCN for their lineup including Toucher and Rich (BCN's signature program) at 6 AM.)
Before Opie and Anthony, I listened to conservative sports hosts Dennis and Callahan on WEEI, but I find I can't go back to that. I tune in for the Sports flash with Jon Meter Perel and that's pretty much my limit. If there are alternate hosts, I might stay on longer. The point is, it's a long 7 minutes to my office. What do I listen to!?