awesome ultimate expert hen (mdyesowitch) wrote,
awesome ultimate expert hen

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Booking through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday
I recently got new bookshelves for my room, and I’m just loving them. Spent the afternoon putting up my books and sharing it on my blog . One of my friends asked a question and I thought it would be a great BTT question. So from Tina & myself, we’d like to know “How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or you just put it where it falls on?”

In the apartment it was By genre/by author, but right now I just want them on the shelf. I have several pockets of genres. Two or three areas that are children's book. All the drama, poetry, and religious books are clustered in their own sections. (poetry and drama are together on one bookcase. Religion is on a different shelf, no where near drama and poetry, and sub-divided into Jewish (larger section) and other(smaller section). Until I get everything out of boxes, bags, and off the floor, it's hard to assess what I have and where it should go.
Tags: books

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