awesome ultimate expert hen (mdyesowitch) wrote,
awesome ultimate expert hen

Women don't blog

and the follow-up:

This article references MAS (Male Answer Syndrome) as the reason women don't blog. Funny story about that. One of Hoppie's coworkers once had up one of those MAS spam things about how men will make up answers rather than admit they don't know. One day Hoppie took it down and replaced it with an identically worded spoof about how MAS, explaining how men have this genetic predisposition to know the answer. You ask a man a random question, such as, "How many carbohydrates in a Big Mac?" and without having previously known or thought about the answer, it just magically appears in their heads. The mere ask of asking the question produces the answer. It was brilliantly funny in that acerbic way Hoppie has. I wonder if I still have a copy of it.

Anyway, I don't believe in MAS, or if I do, I believe it afflicts more than just the male population. I know as many women who are as likely to give an incorrect answer, knowing they don't know the answer for sure, as I do men.
Tags: blogging, hoppie, social commentary

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